The first one is just yikes. I used to have really bad ptsd attacks to the point where I would hit myself and scream uncontrollably and it was just horrible. I got better at repressing it so that doesnt happen as much but I will get twitchy. Its honestly hell and I can’t imagine dealing with it day to day.
That kaitlin one made me so annoyed because I go to school with people like that. “I’m so bipolar” Bitch, I had to go to a hospital for a week because I thought the government was controlling me.
That kaitlin one made me so annoyed because I go to school with people like that. “I’m so bipolar” Girl, I had to go to a hospital for a week because I thought the government was controlling me. It was stressful and humiliating afterwards it’s not fun and not a trend
the first one is just like my actual friend. My and my BFF decided to call her out on her bs and after we decided we can’t be around that anymore she decided to make it seem that she did. (bc she didn’t show most of the symptoms (the only one I kinda believe is Tourettes because I have a small self-diagnosed case of that not saying I do though!)
My friend forgave her but i only said yes to keep my and bff’s 5-7 year friendship. I don’t trust that friend and im so tired of hr bc I’m the one she comes to with all her “suicidal thoughts” and it’s affecting me bc I can’t call her out bc she might take all my friends away from me expect for BFF.
5:25 i’m not arab, but i’m half mexican, and my dad always makes traditional mexican food when my friends are over and speaks to me in spanish, which is cool, but my sister gets mad at him and acts like the girl in the video lol
I’m early but now my mum is yelling at me because were late to pick up my sister from school
YOO I used to have a best friend named Caitlin and she was literally that first tik tok
I know the first one is just a POV but I’m getting so pissed lol😂
1:48 i s s t u n n i n g <3
The first one is just yikes.
I used to have really bad ptsd attacks to the point where I would hit myself and scream uncontrollably and it was just horrible. I got better at repressing it so that doesnt happen as much but I will get twitchy. Its honestly hell and I can’t imagine dealing with it day to day.
3:25 So he has a Death Note disguised as a notebook?
The seventh one is an anime lol. 3:24 is death note.
*agressively eats arab food*
Americans like food >:(
1:00 *lesbian silence*
Edit-thanks for likes
3:28 Death Note be like:
@6:14 you know, if we everrrr talked like that to our arab parents, we’re dead. So idk where she got that idea from.😂😬
6:16 I’m from New Jersey and do we really talk that way? To me it’s like I don’t even have an accent
at 3:53 the girl in the video died a few days back of suicide. rest in peace maya💕
That kaitlin one made me so annoyed because I go to school with people like that. “I’m so bipolar” Bitch, I had to go to a hospital for a week because I thought the government was controlling me.
That kaitlin one made me so annoyed because I go to school with people like that. “I’m so bipolar” Girl, I had to go to a hospital for a week because I thought the government was controlling me. It was stressful and humiliating afterwards it’s not fun and not a trend
2:06 – i cant stop watching this???
lmao the “two years older girl” gets me
The losing memory one is just the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
6:16 is so wholesome i was legit smiling
6:16 is my aunt all the way like she wants me to go shopping all the time
3:56 is so different now, since she commited suicide and was giving everyone signs.
the first one is just like my actual friend. My and my BFF decided to call her out on her bs and after we decided we can’t be around that anymore she decided to make it seem that she did. (bc she didn’t show most of the symptoms (the only one I kinda believe is Tourettes because I have a small self-diagnosed case of that not saying I do though!)
My friend forgave her but i only said yes to keep my and bff’s 5-7 year friendship. I don’t trust that friend and im so tired of hr bc I’m the one she comes to with all her “suicidal thoughts” and it’s affecting me bc I can’t call her out bc she might take all my friends away from me expect for BFF.
5:25 i’m not arab, but i’m half mexican, and my dad always makes traditional mexican food when my friends are over and speaks to me in spanish, which is cool, but my sister gets mad at him and acts like the girl in the video lol
3:23 Ain’t that the plot of Death Note-
me: can we have Death Note?
mom: no we have Death Note at home
Death Note at Home: 3:25
5:06 who’s gonna tell him that cupid is a roman god?