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I found the most chaotic people on TikTok (chaotiktok?), and their videos make me feel like I’m in an alternate dimension. Have fun!
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comment “imagine not having a mini blowtorch” if ur reading this
Imagine not having a mini blowtorch
why didn’t he point out that when they’re making the cotton candy ramen they dumped the seasoning packet into the water i’m dying
Plot twist: they don’t have a mom and this is their way of coping
my favorite part was her pouring the closed flavor packet into the bowl of water with the ramen…then just never mentioning it
I KNOW SHE HAS FANGS IT’S WEIRD HAHAHA I talked about it originally but had to cut it out of the final video. but i’ll probably do a part 2 so it’s all good!!!!
conspiracy theory: their mom just doesn’t exist. that’s why they never show her reaction to the pranks and her voice was so weird it’s like they had siri say it or something
“I’m a man, I’m a human man!” Sounds like something a tree pretending to be a human would say
Never thought I’d say this, but I’m glad Jonnaton wasn’t picked.
Conspiracy Theory: They’re both aliens trying to adapt to human life. That’s why they make Tik Toks to “fit in with human-teen culture” and they use made up words and weird grammar (plus that was their actual mom’s voice but they can’t show her in the videos cause she’s an alien)👽🌠
I was mad that he called Sandra Lee “that girl” but I guess it wouldn’t make sense that everybody would have watched Semi-Homemade.
The real prank was the friends we made along the way
the fact that the fangs were never even mentioned made me think i was going insane
dear Google,
what is a “Squinchent?”
Ok am I crazy? What is she even saying- “Rock? More like … SQUINSHINT?” I’m so confused
Dude, they’re talking like a Troom Troom narrator….
They’re talking like the TROOM TROOM girls and I can’t believe they pulled the ultimate prank……….
Their mom is like Charlie Brown’s parents- no one really knows if or how they exist, we r just supposed to trust that they r there. Charlie brown’s parents also have a weird voices like their “mom”.
tbh, i’m still waiting for Kurtis to receive his oscar. His acting is gold.
Did she say “Rock? More like squinchin”?? I can’t tell if she’s just making up a word or it’s because I’m hard of hearing but I don’t understand—
Can we acknowledge the fact that when she was making the cotton candy ramen she just poured the entire thing into the pot without taking the flavor packet out?
They talk like they’re being held at gunpoint by five minute crafts
I’m really just reading the comments to see the all the ways people spell squinchin, squinchint, squinchent, etc
Dude In the Cotten Candy Ramin she poured the packet of spices,in the water STILL PACKAGED in the boiling water
“So beefy” walked so “So honey” could run.
conspiracy theory: they’re actually the narrators of troom troom
Looks like Jonatan dodged a bullet there when he didn’t get picked
Kurtis: talks about his show
Me: **cries in european**
“I could make this 3 hours long but I’m not going to do that to you”
Little did you know, that’s what we want.
They talk like they’re trying to imitate troom troom
6:30 anyone noticed that she poured the flavor bag in the boiling water with the ramen??
Yo, are these girls the new Wendy’s spokespeople? Because they keep talking about all that BEEFY goodness
no one even mention how she poured the flavor packet into boiling water
“Oh, what’s your tiktok? Is it like a comedy account?” … “It’s a thing”
“Why aren’t you GO GETTING your mini blowtorch”
*Nigel Uno:* They sound exactly like: _The Delightful Children From Down The Lane?!_
Saying “It’s A THING “, doesn’t make it a thing …..
“I tHINk. we shOuld see. OthEr PEopLe.” has me dead
honestly surprised you didn’t include the “bArFs AhOy” video
“Cook your Ramen!” **ramen flavouring falls in the water**
everyones saying she sounds like a diy channel but she sounds like a monster high oc, swear to god
They talk like they’re trying to sell stuff to kids but there’s no toys involved
I bet they don’t even have Moms, they’re literal Androids
Imagine not having a mini blowtorch. Couldnt be me.
I’m sorry but
They sound like Bratz from the movies
Her:*Gives sister blue sucker to make her tongue blue* “this is the best prank”
Her sister :”that’s not a pran-“
Her: “it’s just a prank”
“this video could be 3 hours long,” i am 100% okay with that
She almost sounds like Barbie in a way
Ay, are we just ignoring the fact that our wholesome boy Jonnaton dodged a bullet
they sound like that one dude who would narrate all of the early 2000s commercials for children’s toys pls know what i’m talking about
Why does the extra greeting actually make me feel special
they can’t show their mom because she’s too busy voice acting for troom troom.
If anybody walked into my Starbucks screaming at me like that I’d probably just give them a panini bag filled with trash.
Conspiracy Theory: Troom Troom is also owned and ran by these girls
They talk like Burger King foot lettuce . And those stupid fangs just look like gum stuck in her teeth
these girls are literally the definition of tAlKiNg LiKe tHiS
These are the type of girls that usually say “im not like other girls”
why does kurtis look like he’s wearing a bucket hat even when he’s not wearing a bucket hat
Did no one notice the fact that the “So BeEfY” lipstick is hot sauce packet flavor, not beef? 11:51
is no one gonna talk about the fact that she’s wearing FANGS
My theory: they are aliens trying to act like normal humans. They don’t actually have a mom. They don’t even really know what a “mom” is.
Like “squinchin”? What kind ok pagan ritual is that?
Jonnaton didn’t realize at the time how incredibly lucky he was to get away from these girls
Headcanon: These girls were the first humans to be adopted by a robot-mom, which is why they talk so weird and why their mother sounds demonic. The reason they talked better on the dating show was because they wanted a boyfriend, but on Tik Tok it’s just easier to use their normal voices.
plot twist: their mom died and they “prank” their mom to cope because they never got over it
If Kurtis Conner of all people DOESN’T own a mini-blowtorch then I have severely overestimated how much of a stoner he is.