we have done it again. trying to master the tiktok art painting creating satisfying sphere. here you are. enjoy. i love you!
INSTAGRAM: @anjaisfunky
Continue – Simen Mitlid
Loverboy – Conor
Anja ROCKS…she’s my spirit animal
There’s no way two people can be first lmaooo
Me: I’m a pretty good artist
Sees this: *Aight Imma head out*
I love love love the beautiful background music sooo lovelyyy
The intro is already legendary😂❤️
3:26 she’s like a adult child and I love it😂😂😂😂
when she started painting on her MACBOOKS keyboard i got multiple anxieties
you weren’t upside down in this video 🙁
Ur literally the most positive wholesome talented person I’ve ever seen and I am happy you exist
you posted this on my birthday this is the best present ever XD
I love everything about this content.
When you said that you love dinosaurs was the cutest thing in the world ❤️ and the eye you painted is pretty great, the colors are not boring at least 😊
I couldn’t stop staring at the little bird on her head in the outro…
The song she made for the eyeball painting, OMG I CANT 😂
Fun dino fact: all birds are dinosaurs, but not all dinosaurs are birds
I love Anja her personality is so POSITIVEEE 🌻 I hope she reads this cause she is my fav youtuber
I thought that was a genuine song playing in the background , I didnt even realise it was you
“I dont compete, I just eat cheese. ”
I love how she doesn’t get discouraged or upset when something doesn’t turn out like she wanted. That’s a trait I wish I had.
Hi I’m a palaeontologist and I too like dinosaurs and love your camera! Fun facts about T. rex and dinosaurs and birds! The latest thinking based on tyrannosaur skin impressions is that T. rex probably had predominantly scaly skin HOWEVER feathers are looking more and more likely to be ancestral to dinosaurs meaning loads of them had feathers! Dinosaurs that definitely had feathers include Velociraptor, Yutyrannus, Deinonychus and Microraptor as well as all birds! Because all birds are dinosaurs!
(Chickens are not the closest living relative of T. rex, that honour would simply go to the most basal living bird, so something in the group that includes ostriches and emus probably)
Sorry for long comment I get excited about dinosaurs
This is how many people truely love Anja <3
Despite how pretty she is, she’s like really weird but also energetic.
As soon as she started singing that eyeball song I hit like
when she was singing about the eyeball, it could have legit passed off as a coll song ngl