What is TikTok? | ABC News


Chinese-owned social video app TikTok has exploded in popularity worldwide this year. So what is it, and what’s behind its success?

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Zachary Clifford

Its concerning what people do to feel noticed. Should we not teach our children that it is more important to care about what we think of ourselves? Do we really need to know what other people think about us? Should we not just be completely honest with each other and look to our friends and family to help us continually question ourselves so we understand the motives behind our actions and how our interactions with this world shape not only it, but ourselves?

I feel sorry for all the people that find a justification in creating and spreading pointless non- invoking crap. I understand that my distaste is highly subjective…. but come on…. To some extent, objectively; Am I not right?


I don’t know if it’s because I’m now 25, but I still don’t get Tik Tok even after watching this.



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