If you’re reading this pause the video, These videos are made for views as they play in the background while you scroll through the comments, Please don’t fall for these traps, spread the word by pasting this comment on videos like this. Stay safe! <3
If you’re reading this pause the video, These videos are made for views as they play in the background while you scroll through the comments, Please don’t fall for these traps, spread the word by pasting this comment on videos like this. Stay safe! <3
That’s mean tho I would never do that if they were kids I would be nice tho if I was the that wanted to go down the slide and someone else wanted to go befor I did I would of just let them I am nice after all❤❤❤❤❤❤and I would never be mean👎
As a kid I also use to think Liverpool was dead pool and Tom Holland was mu auncle fun facts I’m black
Sucks being short
Kasihan juga ya tapi bikin marah😢😢😢 nanti Tuhan marah loh😮😮😮😮 harus sayang sama Tuhan❤❤❤❤
Eu adoro-te spider man❤
Cox Güməli😅😅😅😅
Deadboul adam
Deadboul adam
Bro these adults need real jobs💀💀💀
Spider man is a good man 😊
Spider man is a good man 😊
first deadpool saving after 100 kills
first deadpool saving after 100 kills
“mini boy” 💀
bro not these Santa helper lookin as’💀
Nunca traten ala jente mal trantenla como te gusta que te traten ati
Death pool ist ehrenmann
Et tout le monde est méchant sauf ce lui qui l’a sauvé 😢😢😢😢😊
AIRTON 👏👏❤️🔥❤️🔥
que bueno es el hombre araña
Los egoístas ya me tienen arto 😡😡😡
Can we get a W in the chat for the little man
Love it 😅
Love it 😅
Deat pul is pro
I have never seen a grown man so happy to go down a slide before
Deadpool looks goofy as heck💀
I swear if I see one of these goofy videos one more time I’m going to deep fry my PlayStation 69
Yay🎉 The Day is saved by a hero! He looked so happy sliding down The slide
Like for spider man!❤❤
like if every tall guy or women is EVIL only DEADPOOL.
like if every tall guy or women is EVIL only DEADPOOL.
rest in peace for that boy. he lost his childhood and innocence at 3 and grew a beard at 5 😔
the titel did not just call them “mini boy”
Şeytanlar oyüzden Deadpool melek 😊 like atarsınız
Bro called him a mini boy, really its just that he probably has dwarfism
Plot twist: Deadpool just realized that those slides get hot in the summer everyone else was kind but not Deadpool he didn’t hesitate.
The dude Deadpool grabbed looked like Vladimir Putin
The dude Deadpool grabbed looked like Vladimir Putin
Ain’t no way they called him mini boy 😅
guys im paying for everyones therapy
People sometimes are so rude and disrespectful😠
She is rude
Youtube: Deleted
Phone: yeeted
Therapist: greeted
Holy water: needed
POV: Youtube Kids at 3am
así deben de ser chicos 🙂😉
así deben de ser chicos 🙂😉
así deben de ser chicos 🙂😉
for a second I thought dead pool would just beat up the kid
for a second I thought dead pool would just beat up the kid
for a second I thought dead pool would just beat up the kid
Bro Ate Drugs💀
Bom herói ❤
Мне жалко маленького мальчика, я его жалею🥺🤗🫂🐈🎗️🥋🐈⬛🐕🦜🐢😍😘🥰💋💐🐾🐱😺😽😻
All of those people later died at the scene due to 3rd degree burns from a metal slide in the summer
like for the cringe to end
like for the cringe to end
like for the cringe to end
like for the cringe to end
Не зря я абожаю ДЭТПУЛА
i never thought an ant could go down a slide
Luckily their asses didnt get burned💀
Luckily their asses didnt get burned💀
Spiderman is so nice😂
Bro Walmart Deadpool saves the day
If you’re reading this pause the video, These videos are made for views as they play in the background while you scroll through the comments, Please don’t fall for these traps, spread the word by pasting this comment on videos like this. Stay safe! <3
If you’re reading this pause the video, These videos are made for views as they play in the background while you scroll through the comments, Please don’t fall for these traps, spread the word by pasting this comment on videos like this. Stay safe! <3
If you think this is cringe say *Cringe*
Кто там был сюда
👇 👇
Now that’s some shortcomings
Kız mal
Boa atitude
Pobre del enano😅😢
Cringe button
Thank you Deadpool
Так ещё один русский который притворяется американцем
Its just weird😅😂 but I love your video they are the best
ants going down my coke straw
Little boy :
Also him a full beard
Rasista porque não deixou não escorregar e soltar eles😢😮?
Ay que tratar a todos igual
who wants to go on a slide that small💀💀💀💀💀💀
Youtube kids at 3 a.m. 💀
That ain’t no young boy, that is a person with dwarfism.
C’est jenti de leur part
finally. i wont get bullied anymore above my height. 3’8 ft
Zor shiqipti bul prikol❤❤
I came from TikTok LOL
I came from TikTok LOL
Você não vai querer tanto seguidores😂😂😂😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
Wait is Deadpool in the world for real life
im losing brain cells
Bro just got violated
Don’t bully small people/dwarfs #goodjobdeadpool
Der arme Mann durfte erstmal nicht rutschen 😢aber rdann am Ende ist was gutes passiert 🎉😊
Обычный день Дедпул победил украину.
Welcome to episode 7827977 of what the frick did I just watch
Ep 2:WTF did I watch
That’s mean tho I would never do that if they were kids I would be nice tho if I was the that wanted to go down the slide and someone else wanted to go befor I did I would of just let them I am nice after all❤❤❤❤❤❤and I would never be mean👎
Oliver Twist
Bro why would you call him mini? This video was taken without good lighting
R e ė kad
c’est quelqu’un qui n’doit jamais avoir raison c’est carrément de la discrimination par rapport â sa taille
Welcome to the anti-cringe shop!
Bleach: FREE
Sword: 1 Like
Anti-Cringe pills: 10 likes
Erase your memory: 1 Million likes
Oh and don’t forget your daily pill for forgetting this existed!!
I love your channels
Cringe dutton
A medio metro 😂
Круто детпул и помог съехать
Wow I love Deadpool
Buhaha so nice work spiderman 😅😊
Нельзя обижайть маленьких😡😡😡😡😡
Welcome to what the fuck Did I just watch
YouTube shorts isnt that bad. YouTube shorts:
это же шаурмист из сеньёр денёр
فعل خير اروع❤
Muy bienecho eso se yama ser una buena persona ❤❤❤
😢 It’s so sad when everybody’s pushing him back but when the pool comes in let him go that is really nice
I’m tired of seeing this it’s all fake don’t half to act weird abt it
C’est quoi ton problème pourquoi tu l’ AS pourquoi tu arrêtes de jouer 😠😠😡😠😡😡😡😡😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠
W deadpool
Not Barbie pushing the guy….
This is cringe, but deadpool is sigma
I just like this 😂❤❤🎉😅
Spar Da Men 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍❤❤❤❤❤
Cringe button
Thanks spiderman 😊😊😊🎉🎉
the Old Man and the Sea
😂😂 ספרדיימן לא מאכזב
Homen aranha sou sua fã 😊
‘mini boy”?
Una acción buena
now i know why its called youtube shorts
Jajaja 😅
What is the name of this song?
Bro forgot to hit puberty
Mi super eroe es DEPOOLLL😊😊😊😊
the creator
😅 I’m kind of worried. How do you know that that’s my
Favorite superhero
YouTube shorts wast that bad YouTube shorts:
Ses pas jantille
Bro is sunny you will go play slide Is hurt
Eso esta bueno 😊😀😀😊
the Canterbury Tales
حرام عليهم بس واحد دافع عليه
cringe button!
صبرمان كان ذات قلب ❤🎉 طيبة
This is Spider-Man ke liye ek like to banta hai
Aus welchem Land kommt der kleine z
Aus welchem Land kommt der kleine z
😢😢😢😢😢😢 Let’s pay
the smurfs
Kasian banget sih bang ngantri mulu
Kocham spider-man i pana
i hate all the pepole who pushed you
أنا فتاة نقول مباشره إلي شعب عجبني بزاف. هذا فديو هههه نقول مباشره إلي شعب جزائري واحد يحقر صديقه أو يجرح القلب كما تدين تدتن
da murro
Yt shorts best content
Wtf did I just watch 💀😭
Its better if u wait patiently 😮
Thank you spider man
Short 💀
Thank you spider man ❤
Cringe button
Bro the se adults need real Jobs 💀💀💀
Ajuda em primeiro lugar😊
Gotta help the midgets!
Los marcianos yegaron ya 🙀
Los marcianos yegaron ya 🙀
Тваи друщя и жына
So tall omg
YouTube kids:
😢😊 el superhéroe
they called him “mini boy”
What if that slide was like 39 degrees
Źli koledzy , like dla 👦😟😟😟😟😟.
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊 ilove you
God bless Jesus saved this poor little boys life
God bless Jesus saved this poor little boys life
“go pick on someone your own size”
E llegado a mi jerma 😂🎉❤
Gospel please
I’m just a little guy the girl don’t even know anything
Deadbul saved thé mini man
Você sai vídeo tudo horrível não ⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔
हमारा महाराणा
Cringe button
POV 2020
I love it and I love you Deadpool
I love it and I love you Deadpool
Me personally wouldn’t take tat
gringe button👇
Ohio be like
Wow the preschoolers are fighting💀💀💀
C’est une victime mskn😊
Видос вообще топ
it’s so sad😢😢
У вас всенормально😊
Deadpool has ops 😂
Deadpool has ops 😂
Deadpool has ops 😂
Это тот криминальный авторетет который снимался у гуфи
Молодец ❤😊
dead pool films in Ohio be like:
Đồ xấu xí😢😢😢😢😢😢😅😂
Wow gador set chanson française heeeeee
Everybody else: so sweet
Me: why TF do they have their clothes on 💀
Everybody else: so sweet
Me: why TF do they have their clothes on 💀
Coitado 😢
Can’t stop laugh on mini boy 😂
That was a nice say sorry
❤,, Я сейчас заплачу
حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل الماذا يمنعوء من نزول الى للسفل
Me gusta cuando el señor este spider-man
I have no idea.
𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓽’𝓼 𝓕𝓾𝓻𝓽𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓬! 🌟✨🌟
HA HA 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😅😅😅😅😅
Il est trop janti
This is just amazing.deadpool was proud that he saved a person like you 🤣♥️ (not being rude)
Hello, I hope for your support. May God reward you
Hi Tom, I don’t wanna love you.
du armer ich mag deinen Kanal sehr ich liebe dich
pitufos be like:
What is this
amo muito neném e obrigada 💀
❤❤❤ if you have an audience repost me
So funny 😂😂😂
I thugt deadpool was like the others but got killed in an accident 😂
Miny boy?!🤦🏻♂️ is a dwarf
I fill so bad for that person
who put 4 million likes?
🎉🎉🎉🎉😂😂❤ Hi
Is that old and they don’t know wow what a 1 year old
Is that old and they don’t know wow what a 1 year old
bagus kali
Oo dos ormigas.en.mi.jugete
Dead pool bruh so sick I think I wanna be dead pool when it’s Halloween 🎃👻
Oi amiguinhos Hi little friends
Be honest if you were the small man you would punch em all in the face 😂
Be honest if you were the small man you would punch em all in the face 😂
Some pls give me the eye bleach 💀💀
Not cringe button
فيه احد ركز على الي وره 😮😂
فيه احد ركز على الي وره 😮😂
U meant mini man
يروحي ❤❤❤❤
nossa que heroi
Poor small boy😭😭
Enought internet today 💀
Pelea de enanos😂
😢😢😢😢😢😢 coitadinho 😢
Adoro 😍
😂❤ you know 5PM 🤣🤣🐑👍👎
The big ones should be nicer
Que grande
So amazing
😮😢😢😢how far down there going
cringe button
cringe button
اخوي قاعد حدي قال ييي ماما تعلي شوفي سبايدر مان عالحقيقة😂😂😂😂
Que bueno es espardeman😎😎😎😎
Usted no le dejan al niño para que juegue usted ya
Desenho ele eu só vou o menino❤😁
Мальенкие люди вы супер ! ❤❤❤
poor dwarf if i was there anyone who gets in his way will never pass again
Let him down the slides
deadpool wearing shoes💀💀💀
Merci beaucoup deadpoul❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💗💗💗💗❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️💛❤️🔥❤️🔥💛💛❤️
I love your channels
Я бы самую первую головой вниз бы скатил
الحين اركز ال شيء الي ورا ولا على سبايدر مان
روح اقراء قران احسنلك
Not nice
LOVE 😘❤️
Respect others and wait for people to go don’t push in to others ❤❤😇😇😍
That was nice ❤❤
You are very intelligent 🧠🤓😅
❤❤. 10000000000. nosotros.
Feliz cumpleaños de acuerdo 😢😢😢
Dude, what the hell it’s lietearlly 3:00 PM and this came!?
Dude, what the hell it’s lietearlly 3:00 PM and this came!?
Dude, what the hell it’s lietearlly 3:00 PM and this came!?
This is our next generation
Mean peple 😂😂😂😂😂😂😊😊😊😊
Coitado dele
Minions xd
Bro is a hero
Kasihanya ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Молодец Дэдпул
Pobrecito hombre
Tro gentil depool
I like it
Los ombre araña❤❤❤
Why nobody loves him go use phones
Good job the pool😊
every indian short be like:
Let him go 🚶♀️ ❤😢
Nerf work for saving that kid
You’re the best Deadpool
You’re the best Deadpool
Plz respect our pepol
Splberman. Is. A. Best
Dabal op❤❤❤❤😂❤❤❤
L’età d’élite del corpo è difficile
❤❤ Peppa Kiko Pipe Pepe yo Peppa❤❤
সুপার হিরো লাইক
Nagyon aranyos
umimon bõlmaydi bunaqa vidioni yopib yuborish kerak sharmanda😮😮😢😢
That’s so rood don’t call him mini boy
Look its so funny right
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ you so much🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Wow spider-man
What language is this???
I love deadpool❤
How the did a mini girl push a boy
Such a hero🥲
The people that is meen😢
Stop pushing him he’s just a little boy baby
What am i watching
Well done