Presenting the 14th volume of Ben Shapiro reacting to Woke TikTok’s! Will the insanity ever stop?
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So nice of them to give Ben a couple unwoke TikToks before launching him into the fray
I was raised not to laugh at the mentally ill, but Tik Tok is making this increasingly difficult.
Watching Ben laugh at the grimace shakes is pretty wholesome
as a christian i am terrified of that display of insanity she was preaching😂😂 these ppl r wacky
The bigger point is the ingredients for a cake baby are ALREADY in the oven. You don’t have to put them there. It’s already baking/growing.
As someone who had to make the difficult choice to put down their childhood cat. That first Tiktok made me very uncomfortable. Even our pets deserve the right to be laid to rest in a respectable manner. And keeping your dead pet around like that is sure to take a toll on one’s mind.
I love how Ben can go from having a heated political debate to memorizing WAP and laughing at Grimace Shake memes
“The most violent group among us has the inability to hold their community accountable”
I agree, the community that holds the 50% crime rate should hold their community accountable instead of have the “snitches get stitches” rule 😆🥃
As someone who just put down her childhood cat of 17 years, that cat TikTok was beyond disturbing. Our pets deserve the respect of being laid to rest properly.
The lady saying white women are the biggest threat while her crazy eyes kept popping out of her head truly terrified me. The Grimace shake memes were darkly funny. The preacher at that church is leading her flock to hell.
The thing that was especially triggering for me was the ‘sparkle creed’, I’m an orthodox Christian and the nicean creed is the structure of our faith. Hearing it being distorted like that was really disgusting and I totally agree with Ben that the devil must have written it.
The Citi Bike incident is the most scrutinized argument over a bike I’ve ever seen. Those “additional nuggets” were called context, that all pointed to the woman being innocent. And the woman had to fight because they came after her job!
The fact that anyone can seriously compare cake ingredients or batter to an unborn fetus shows just how far society has fallen. Can we just stop the ride and let us sane people off?! 🙏🤦♀️
That woman saying that white people don’t hold their community members accountable has to be the most ironic thing I’ve ever heard
I love how terrified Ben looked with the pacifier one 😂 and then hearing his producers laughing just made it better
Message To The Editors: Thank you for including some of those Grimace Shake clips – It was a nice getting to see Ben watch something enjoyable for a little change! I love and appreciate all the “Ben Reacts To Woke TikTok’s”. I get such a kick out of them!
I am a Christian and I found that horrifying. This is everything that is unholy.
Gotta LOVE that Ben uses the correct form ” nauseated ” rather than non-word ” nauseous “
As someone who couldn’t believe what was coming out of the mouth of that cult lady, I really really appreciated Leonardo Decaprio speaking out at the perfect moment!! I laughed out loud 😂😂
I am German and the “beautiful gems” of Narcissism and insanty of this series have me actually considering to join a conservative party to stop my country from getting “infected” with this BS in the first place. Mr. Shapiro has my utmost respect for suffering through this🤦♀