Tiktok Lives are Very NSFW and Creepy


My shirt and necklaces! weirdothings.com



Liam Katz

What hurts me the most is that these people finish filming or end the live then go on with their lives like they didn’t dress up like an elf and say “crunchy corn”


the entire purposefully acting like a child thing get’s way worse when you find out that the first person also does A LOT of porn

Picasso's Sister

I saw a live with a teenage girl getting ready for school and doing makeup, the comments said really gross things to her, and she ended up having to leave. I feel so bad for her.


It’s so nice to see a creator have merch that they genuinely care about and designed. Like you can tell that he put thought into the necklaces and they’re a pretty unique concept for merch




I am a 18 year old woman who has been sexualized since a young age by older men and to see these adult women dress up and act like children to appeal sexually is so nasty and feeding into the porn industries. There’s a lot of good video essays out there about this, but I’ll try my best. Watching videos on the book Lolita is a good start.

It’s also heavily toxic for any young girl growing up with access to the internet who sees this and the positive reactions.

It just makes me so uncomfortable and I wish it wasn’t so normalized. It’s in society more than we think. Women are supposed to appear like that ( through the eyes of men, social media, porn, etc ) and it’s disgusting and sad. It’s everywhere.

Sorry if I’m all over the place. I get emotional and they tend to have more control over me.

Carlee Earnhart

I have misophonia as well, and you have put it so well into words and expression how awful mouth sounds are. Thanks for sharing Cooper. It’s always fun finding fellow ear sufferers haha


The craziest thing is I used to work as a live steamer (non sexual) on a different app before tik tok was a thing and now I’m seeing all the exact same issues I had play out in the public eye. The levels of degradation, tribalism between streamers and their alliances, the streamer battles and their political undertones… it’s like looking at myself 7 years ago

Ally G

As someone who has been in the SW/OF industry it’s so frustrating that making yourself look almost infantile is becoming a trend, it just gives individuals who harm children a greater platform.

Kylie Lode

As a now adult woman who started being “casually” sexualised by adult men at an early age (the first time I got catcalled was when I was 10 and has been a regular occurrence since then), seeing people capitalise on trying to infantilise and sexualise themselves at the same time makes me deeply deeply uncomfortable. I have nothing but respect for sex workers, but at the same time the people who actively make themselves literally appear to be a child for their sex work does nothing but perpetuate the disgusting rhetoric that grown ass men abusing children constantly use of “she looks so mature how was I supposed to know she was only 15.” Or 13, or 10. Of course the only people at fault for assaulting or grooming or catcalling kids are the pieces of shit that are doing it. I just think that as adult women (especially if you’re doing sex work) we need to actively avoid promoting this sort of infantilisation/sexualisation combo in order to protect young girls. If we are making ourselves look younger, that by design makes younger people look like our age, and gives disgusting men more excuses to use when they try to gaslight us and others into thinking that they didn’t mean any harm or do anything wrong because “hOw WaS hE sUppOsED tO kNOw”


Normalizing the infantilization of anyone is just a few shorts steps away from normalizing sexual attraction to actual children.
It’s an incredibly dangerous slippery slope.
It starts innocently enough, but the end is a really really dark place.

TriciaM 01

It’s not the people DOING the TikTok lives, it’s the people actually watching and giving them money that I worry about

Alex Raymond

as a s*x worker i 1000% agree on the acting like a kid thing, within the community im a part of its important to be aware of people who do specific things in their content that arent really ok, depends on the specifics but ive had mutuals on twt let me know when i follow someone who’s a p*do sympathizer or other things that are generally not acceptable (relating to racism, transphobia, what i meantioned above, etc)

Dork Lives

Saw cherry crush in the thumbnail, haven’t even watched the video yet but I’m SO GLAD someone at least brought some attention to her. She’s been the bane of my existence for so long now, especially when I was first finding out what ASMR artists I liked (I was a minor) and discovering her ASMR channel that makes SO MANY lewd gestures. shes been making me uncomfortable and irrationally angry for years now.

Oliwia Walenciuk

As someone who loves asmr but hates mukbangs I relate to the misophonia. Pure rage can take over 😅

Brandi G

I did OF for a while and I’m a really small, young looking woman (I get mistaken for a minor in my daily life) but it’s completely possible to not lean into the infantilization of childish behaviors/styles. There will always be creeps who like you for your young appearance and you can’t control that, but you can control how much you play up that aspect of your content. There’s no excuse for this weirdness


Call me weird if you want but I absolutely love the vampire dude’s lives. They’re spooky but also cozy and perfect for a rainy night lol

El H

I totally agree ,women who do sexy content behaving or dressing in a childlike manner, are fuelling a demand (not the only demand obvs)

and it should be criticised it’s nice to see a bloke pointing it out


I’ve always been so interested in people like Cherry (first woman) just due to the fact that her ASMR content was so popular and a lot of her audience were children and she kept her adult work and ASMR seemingly separate but it kinda just turned to all of her content being nsfw most likely due to the fact that it pays better. Something I’ve noticed about the adult world that I think needs to be talked about more is the fact that “normal” YouTubers do the things that adult content creators do and they will get canceled for it but for their adult counterparts, people don’t really bat an eye and can possibly continue to hurt people. The whole acting like a child thing isn’t illegal but can bring up many ethical questions.



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