tossing up a messy tiktok salad – REACTION


tossing up a messy tiktok salad – REACTION


Hey there, TikTok lovers! It’s Charlotte Dobre, and today we’re talking about some tea that got spilled on the app. That’s right, we’re diving into some messy drama that’s been making waves across the internet.

You know how it goes: one person shares something, and suddenly the whole world knows about it. That’s exactly what happened when a group of users decided to spill their tea on TikTok. They started sharing their personal stories, exposing secrets, and airing out dirty laundry for all to see.

Some of the stories were pretty shocking, with people revealing scandalous details about their personal lives or their friends and family members. Others were more lighthearted, but still got people talking. No matter what the topic, though, everyone was hooked.

Of course, not everyone was thrilled about the tea being spilled. Some people got upset, and there was a fair amount of drama as a result. But for those who were just watching from the sidelines, it was pure entertainment.

So if you’re looking for some drama to spice up your feed, look no further than TikTok. Who knows what secrets will be spilled next?

#messy #messytiktok #tiktokdrama #drama #tiktokdrama #tiktok #tiktoks #tiktok2020 #tiktok202021 #tiktokcompilation #drama #cheater #cheated #reaction #reactionchannel #charlottedobre

If you want to submit a story anonymously, you can do so using the following links:
**DISCLAIMER** Due to a high volume of submissions, there is no guarantee that we will feature your story in a video. By submitting your story, you give me, Charlotte Dobre, the right to feature it in a video.

AITA – Where I decide if you’re the AH or not 😉 –
Petty Revenge ! –
Entitled People Stories –
Crazy Wedding Stories ! –
Caught A Cheater ? –
In-Laws From HELL ! –

Hi, I’m Charlotte Dobre. I’m an actor, reactor, singer and sometimes (not really) comedian. On this channel I do reactions, commentary and occasionally I make a joke or two. I love poking fun at social media, weddings, entitled people, tiktok and OF COURSE petty people. I upload daily, usually 7 days a week, unless life gets crazy or I get lazy. Come hang out, it’s a good time.

Edited By Now Creatives

Produced by: Vanessa Peprah-Addo

End screen song:
Defunk – (Feat. Charlotte Dobre, Sam Klass)


Dina Silva

I swear, Charlotte’s adorable personality is always the best part. I have so much fun with her vídeos, they ALWAYS makes me feel better, especially when i’m sad or tired. Charlotte is our treasure. A very beautiful and funny treasure. 😂👑♥️

Elizabeth Ellis

An ex of mine is a lawyer and partner in his law firm. His best, number one piece of advice, to people regarding legal issues, is this:

Don’t say a f*cking word!


Story 1, the lady just doubled down on her mistakes: 1. WHY would you park in a Reserved spot? 2. Why continue after being warned? 3. Why out yourself with your address?
4. Why write an actual note that threatentens someone else? 5. Why show up at the door so your face is recorded? If I was OP, I would sue for harassment and get a restraining order.

Phoenix Garcia-Martin

Thank you for repeatedly saying that dating a married man isn’t a flex. I heard from a female the other day “watch me take her man.” I’m thinking billions of other single men you want to take a married man.

Ethel Cipollone

I could listen to the girl who stitched the video of the idiot bragging about dated a married man talk all day she’s very well spoken and her voice speaks to my soul


That guy from the bad date video is a keeper. He didn’t even ask her to split the bill. He said let her go and I’ll do manual labor to work this off.


Hold ON!!!!!! the audacity of NOT having a part two of the get ready with me while I tell you about my boy friend cheating!!! The girls side eye was too telling but we need more! 😂😂😂😂

Lauren Damon

I got called Petty for being the reason one of my coworkers got written up for her rude behavior.

I just said, “Thank you! Courtesy of Charlotte Dobre.”

Thank you for shaping my life with the pettiness ❤


Seeing a press on nail like that in the bed reminds me of stories of women invited back to a mans house purposefully leaving ‘evidence’ because they realize the guy might have a girlfriend

Just Hear Me Out

Oh my God I identify so much with the wife who got cheated on. Gaslighting is a real thing. Abusive people make their partners believe so much lies about ourselves 😩

Marlena k8

First of all, how could anyone cheat on that woman Serena, she is literally gorgeous? Second of all, if the person that you are with thinks that everyone around them is toxic, perhaps they’re the problem. I’m glad she got away from that monster


I had a car towed from my PAID, RESERVED spot when I lived in my apartment…the satisfaction of seeing the tow truck driver pull up is real! I had left notes multiple times. The best part is when the heiffer came out and tried to get the tow truck driver to unhook her car! It was already hooked and ready to go! She never parked in my spot again!

maria paz

ladies listen up, if you hookup with a man in a marriage or in a relationship in general, dont believe anything they say ANYTHING (much less about their partner). this person is already cheating on their spouse, if they can look at the “love of their lives” and lie to their faces to cheat, they can lie to anyone about anything.


congratulations on learning to drive!! as a former city girl myself, I didn’t learn until I was 21 and put myself in driving school. It only took a little less than a year for it to become second nature like riding a bike. You’ll be cruising in no time!

Loretta Tschetter

The walk of ‘shame’ made me laugh. When we first moved into our house we had a single guy living across the street and a single mom next door. Both were in late 30’s early 40’s. (Her kids were older teens.) As time went on we’d watch her hanging out at his house (around here people hang out in garages a lot. It’s a whole thing). Eventually I’d be up in the morning and watching one of them crossing the street at 6 am to go back home. When they finally told us he was selling his house and moving in with her we wanted to say ‘no shit, Sherlock! Never saw that coming!’ Sad ending though. They lived together a few years, got engaged, and then 3 weeks before the wedding he came home to find her dead from a stroke. She was 49.


That poor lady who was cheated on by the worm for 3 years. I hope her life is amazing and she gets everything she wants in life. She deserves all the happiness in the world.

Trixy Brix

That one about the girl being in a relationship with a married man wasn’t bragging. She was saying she was disgusted. And that she hopes his ex-wife forgives her. That she realized he was a narcissist. Unfortunately so many take her as she’s bragging before they listen to her whole video. This why you shouldn’t judge, so many times we misjudge


Dating a married man is as much of a flex as finding cold half eaten food in someone else’s house and eating it in the bathroom while they’re distracted


HANG ON A MINUTE. I feel really bad for that dinner date guy. He legitimately seemed like he couldn’t afford to pay, but he asked about washing the damn dishes instead of even asking her to chip in. I don’t think he deserves to have everyone taking the piss out of him.

Lisa Peesa Lemon Squeezah

If the guy you’re dating tells you a story in which his ex “went crazy” just ask “but what was her point? What was her crazy delusion that she was screaming about?” If he doesn’t know or doesn’t remember, he either doesn’t listen to his partner or he’s only telling half the story.



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