burning my tongue on this tiktok tea – REACTION


burning my tongue on this tiktok tea – REACTION
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Hey there, TikTok lovers! It’s Charlotte Dobre, and today we’re talking about some tea that got spilled on the app. That’s right, we’re diving into some messy drama that’s been making waves across the internet.

You know how it goes: one person shares something, and suddenly the whole world knows about it. That’s exactly what happened when a group of users decided to spill their tea on TikTok. They started sharing their personal stories, exposing secrets, and airing out dirty laundry for all to see.

Some of the stories were pretty shocking, with people revealing scandalous details about their personal lives or their friends and family members. Others were more lighthearted, but still got people talking. No matter what the topic, though, everyone was hooked.

Of course, not everyone was thrilled about the tea being spilled. Some people got upset, and there was a fair amount of drama as a result. But for those who were just watching from the sidelines, it was pure entertainment.

So if you’re looking for some drama to spice up your feed, look no further than TikTok. Who knows what secrets will be spilled next?

#tiktokdrama #drama #tiktoktea #messy #messytiktok #tiktokdrama #tiktok #tiktoks #tiktok2020 #tiktok202021 #tiktokcompilation #drama #cheater #cheated #reaction #charlottedobreio #react #reactionchannel #charlottedobreio #charlottedobre

If you want to submit a story anonymously, you can do so using the following links:
**DISCLAIMER** Due to a high volume of submissions, there is no guarantee that we will feature your story in a video. By submitting your story, you give me, Charlotte Dobre, the right to feature it in a video.

AITA – Where I decide if you’re the AH or not 😉 – https://bit.ly/3Wds7w6
Petty Revenge ! – https://bit.ly/3PwAUHl
Entitled People Stories – https://bit.ly/3FtDB83
Crazy Wedding Stories ! – https://bit.ly/3j1Xonu
Caught A Cheater ? – https://bit.ly/3FTyFuI
In-Laws From HELL ! – https://bit.ly/3YqjReg

Hi, I’m Charlotte Dobre. I’m an actor, reactor, singer and sometimes (not really) comedian. On this channel I do reactions, commentary and occasionally I make a joke or two. I love poking fun at social media, weddings, entitled people, tiktok and OF COURSE petty people. I upload daily, usually 7 days a week, unless life gets crazy or I get lazy. Come hang out, it’s a good time.

Edited By Kelly Paoli
Edited by Timothy Dunsmore
Edited By Now Creatives

Produced by: Vanessa Peprah-Addo
Produced by: Jellysmack

End screen song:
Defunk – (Feat. Charlotte Dobre, Sam Klass)


Nicole L.

The first story happened in my city. After the incident the shop sold cupcakes with little edible orange sunglasses on top of them. 😂

Mr Harry

I can’t say I’ve ever been drunk enough to brake into a shop and steal.
The fact he owned up, apologised and paid for his behavour speaks volumes.
Kudos to him.

WoW, this certainly got some reaction…lol
People see what they want to see….

I was mearly saying the fact he apologised, owned up and paid up speaks volumes compared to not doing anything at all.

Good luck to you all.

Christina Lambert-Sandhouse

Cupcake thief dude was drunk, had to pee and had the drunk munchies. Dude tried to clean up his mess, and even called to apologize. Honestly that’s the most wholesome theft I’ve ever heard.

Laura Rodifer

For the girl who had insecurities over her friend being “hotter” than her, I can testify that, as the non-hot girl of my friend’s group…..we’re talking: never got a Valentine’s Day card in school, never had a secret admirer, never went to prom (while my bestie went to 2) I will say, God paid me back tenfold. While my other friends have all been married multiple times, but have all now found their Prince Charming, I got mine on my first ever date. I’ve been blessed for 36 years with a very handsome man (who got more attractive as hes aged) who is the most solid, good guy you could ever meet. He’s always willing to help others and he can literally fix anything. He’s artistic & super creative. He’s a great father & fabulous Poppa and not to be too TMI, God was very good to him which is very good for me 😁 So, even if you’re not the hot girl, you can still get the best man.


As women we should be building each other up. Not comparing ourselves to one another. We are all beautiful in our own ways and that’s what is important. Not what guy likes me vs. What guy likes you. That really does not matter at all.

abdoo mahmud

I’ve read the kate story originally from reddit and let me say it was tough like real tough… The way OP handled the situation was so good but what’s even worse than the story was the fact that some commenters decided it was their job to tear OP and insult her for literally anything and everything about her… she ended up deciding not to go to the party and deleting her account after the update

David Hamm

Having discovered your channel today, I’ve spent 4 hours (others might say wasted 4 hours 😉) watching many of your videos. AITA for spending all this time or AYTA for producing such a brilliant addictive channel? Thank you. 👍. I look forward to watching more tomorrow. Good job I’m retired.


When I was in middle school, guys used to dare each other to ask me out or confess they had a crush on me, then laugh about it with their friends. It used to really get under my skin. If I found out my partner is only with me because they thought I was ugly enough to talk to, compared to my friend, I might react the same way that woman did.

Lizzy Kay OT7

Self-esteem and self-worth can’t be built from others, it starts with yourself. Charlotte having beautiful friends makes sense too since she’s also gorgeous. Good friends should bring each other up, if you drag a person down how are you their friend? Jealousy may be normal, but letting it consume you dulls your shine.


I feel Kate’s pain acutely, having also been the ugly one, and/or the fat one, in every group of friends I’ve ever had. I’ve been passed over so many times, so consistently, I eventually just gave up. I’ve been single for almost 10 full years, haven’t been on a date in around 8 years, and I don’t anticipate that changing. It hurts. It hurts so fucking bad, there are times I can’t breathe. But I would never. _NEVER._ Not under any circumstances!! Lay the blame for that on my beautiful friends, or punish them for being prettier than me. Because that is UN-FUCKING-HINGED behavior. They can’t help being pretty any more than I can help _not_ being pretty. That’s just how it goes sometimes. It sucks, believe me I know how much it sucks, but it is what it is.

Rachele Fra

About the “other friends would be hit on and I would just sit there”, I always felt like the ugly ducking compared to my best friend. She’s the classic southern Italy beauty and up til the 2nd year of high school I was a bit overweight. I gained more confidence once I got skinnier, but still I always felt like I was less. Kudos to the guys who came up to us (strangers) and told us to my face that I was cute but she was stunning. As the years have passed, I finally learned that we have just very different kind of beauties, who likes her won’t like me and viceversa.
But I still can remember all the comments of people comparing the 2 of us and frankly they still hurt. Never hol it up against her though

Aimee Heist

I can’t understand how someone as stunningly gorgeous as Charlotte was “not picked” or wasn’t a first choice. Like are these dudes blind?! Charlotte, you’re definitely our #1 choice. Keep being your amazing self 🥰

Chantal Fleming

Loved the first story but major props to the Tik Tok guy who went nuclear on his investigation. Well done dude. That is impressive commitment!

CiCi Chambers

As for the story about Jamie, it’s not about someone else being more attractive, It’s finding out that you were second choice and never being sure if you’re just there until he find someone else. The 2:00am shame shag.

And if he breaks it off or doesn’t propose, then she was second choice

Ashley G

Currently struggling with mom-bod acceptance…… watching this with my hubs, and he tunes in with the Kate story, AND agrees with every word Charlotte said. So I can attest that someone who loves you sees more than looks.

Jennifer Kam

For the girl that wasn’t “the hot one.” I feel so bad for everyone involved. There are certain things that are better left unsaid. My husband said something similar to me about wanting to date a particular girl because she was so pretty but she wasn’t interested. For the longest time I felt like he settled for me and it bothered me. I could have gone my whole life not knowing that information and been just fine. The last clip was adorable. My kind of humor.


I totally feel for Kate. Getting older I’ve started to realise a lot of my insecurities came from being taught that the ultimate goal is to get male attention, it’s something I feel we have thrust upon us so it’s not surprising when we base our worth on that. Very sad though 🙁


I could never ask a friend or anyone to dull their shine just so I could shine more. If I’m passed over for them, then good for them, I’m honestly glad for them

Ann Soumar

I can relate to the AITA story. When I was dating my now husband, we actually had our first fight over something similar. We had introduced some of our friends to each other at a dinner. Not long after he casually brought up to me that one of his friends asked him why he didn’t go after one of my friends instead of me and his response was “because I’m not shallow” basically implying he found her more attractive than me. He thought he was telling me something sweet about how he chose me for me but it really hurt and shattered my confidence. It took some time for me to get over but I also realized that there would always be women who are better looking than me and it wasn’t a good reason to hold a grudge or end the relationship.

Claire Law

I have a similar story to the jealous friend. I used to have a best friend who was way more attractive than me. When we would go out she would always be the one who was hit on the most. Guys would usually only talk to me to ask about her. Although I never let it show or talked about it (at the end of the day, she cant help being pretty!), of course it bothered me deep down. You end up feeling you’re not good enough.
Well, me and my friend decided to go on holiday to Morocco (we are both British) and found their beauty standards were very different from the UK. For the whole week, just about every man we talked to flirted with me and ignored her. She was seething, and didn’t even try to hide it. It resulted in a blazing row one evening and her accusing me of ignoring her and ‘trying to get all the attention’ as if I had been desperately throwing myself upon every man we’d come across.
Needless to say, we are no longer friends!


The fact that the lady from the second story paid money to possibly get herself arrested for impersonating a lawyer over a tiktoker is hilarious to me for some reason 😂😂😂

Bee Sines

For the girl with insecurities, its not the looks that made her like that but knowing she was only the 2nd choice or option because the hot one is kinda unreachable is what made her like that. So sad. Its really sad to know that your love one didnt initially chose you.



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