Moira Tiktok gets misled by confirmation bias | Overwatch 2


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The salty TikTok Moira comments xD. Even as someone who goes for moira at times, she really is a 2 dimensional character, which is typically the reason I’ll choose her on days Im trying to play chill. Totally agree, she is a flat heal and damage no added bonuses. She does those 2 things well that’s about as far as she gets.


With orb and full blast healing you do 140 hp/sec in a small area which is pretty damn impressive for non-ult abilities. Sure she runs out of fuel in six seconds but it can turn fights.

That being said, one anti and all that juicy healing goes bye bye. And poison orbs or tickles don’t really make up for it. So I get what people are saying.

I’ll admit I’m addicted to Moira’s dash more than anything. 😭


I actually like Moira, I like her design, voice lines, emotes, skins, her concept of take life to give life etc etc. Which is why it sucks that she’s not that useful at higher ranks. I really want her to get a rework so she can have a bigger impact on games and so that she has more engagement in her kit.


Moira definitely has her place. Her survivability and ability to finish off kills is one of the best in supports. She also has a ton of healing. But ya, she doesn’t bring much utility to the team like other supports do


With all this Moira hate saying she’s useless and doesn’t provide any utility she’s just gonna get a buff and these people are gonna be the first to cry.

Gregorius Daneli

_”As long as you have at least a 50% win rate, you climb.”_
*Me, who went 5-4 two separate times in DPS queues and de-ranked:* “You lying sumbitch!”


That’s not a “whataboutism”. You don’t know what that means. That Moira player saying they climbed to GM 1 is sharing an anecdote that directly contradicts the narrative in question. Whataboutism would be saying “yeah, well Doom is the worst tank so you can’t climb with him! Gottem!”

zachary swaffer

as a gm moira, 100% people avoid me because of how limiting it is. there are some games where the team would just be better off with literally anyone else replacing me


This might be an unpopular opinion but not every character has to be incredibly complicated, and it’s great to have low starting skill heroes in the game that someone just starting out can pick up and get a feel for the game before moving onto something more complicated over time, getting more comfortable with the game.

Lady Ivy Vine XIII

Moira is great when you need to survive, finish kills and drop a shit tonne of heals. She isn’t great against burst damage or when specific utility is more needed. That being said, she is an absolute queen on both Illios Lighthouse and Nepal Village.


the moira niche for me is when i’m getting harassed too hard to heal my team. this is the sort of thing that feels devisive to me for no reason, each healer you can play is a tool in your belt. Moira is still one of them and has her uses, i honestly dunno how i’d rank healers, i don’t really think it’s practical a lot of the time to view them through that lense


I wish people would understand that just because a character is considered weaker than others doesn’t mean they’re bad or unplayable. Like no shit you’re getting wins with x character because you know how to play with them. Remember when people said Brig was the weakest support? Yet she was still good. The only thing holding Moira back is she has no utility, and that’s fine. She’s still good. Doesn’t mean it’s wrong to say she’s the weakest support (or at least one of them).


Moira is basically my support switch from Mercy when I need to compensate for bad dps or short respawns.

Zerum Siru

Moria is more useful than people think. The drain orb is good to finish off someone, the healing orb may not be the best but if you start using the life spray/healing beam with it, your team will thank you.


If they give her any utility she quickly becomes a huge problem. She’s good at what she does, which picks up burst healing and can kick the legs out of an unaware backline, that’s it. If you gave her utility she would be way too good. They would have to nerf her healing and damage output.


As a Moria main, I think she gets a really bad rep. Her healing and damage is pretty nice, and there have been many games where I’m the main healer with like a zen, bap, Kiriko, or Lucio on my team and we roll. If you just don’t get tunnel vision and be a dps Moria, and know which orb to use for certain situations, you can go really far with her


Moira is a great support to learn when you want to learn ability juggling. She is like a gateway to bap and kiriko. In high elo, she is nearly a throw pick. Her whole kit gets swamped by the current “flex/punish” meta.

Airon Stryder

moira takes little skill to actually use but has a high skill ceiling to be used effectively, specifically when it comes to orb utilization.



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