cougars on tiktok be like – REACTION
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Hey guys, it’s Charlotte here and in today’s video, we’re going to talk about cougars on TikTok! Now, I’m not talking about the animal, but rather the term used to describe older women who are on the prowl for younger men.
If you’ve been scrolling through TikTok lately, you might have noticed a growing trend of women in their 40s and 50s showcasing their confidence and sex appeal. These women are unapologetically embracing their age and flaunting their bodies, and their videos are racking up millions of views.
But why is this trend taking off? Some say it’s because of the pandemic – with many people feeling isolated and lonely, TikTok has become a platform for connection and self-expression. And for cougars, it’s a way to feel young again and attract attention from younger men.
Of course, not everyone is a fan of this trend. Some people argue that it perpetuates harmful stereotypes and promotes predatory behavior. But others say that as long as both parties are consenting adults, there’s nothing wrong with it.
So what do you think about cougars on TikTok? Are they empowering or problematic? Let me know in the comments below. And as always, don’t forget to like and subscribe for more videos like this!
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Hi, I’m Charlotte Dobre. I’m an actor, reactor, singer and sometimes (not really) comedian. On this channel I do reactions, commentary and occasionally I make a joke or two. I love poking fun at social media, weddings, entitled people, tiktok and OF COURSE petty people. I upload daily, usually 7 days a week, unless life gets crazy or I get lazy. Come hang out, it’s a good time.
Edited By Kelly Paoli
Produced by: Jellysmack
End screen song:
Defunk – (Feat. Charlotte Dobre, Sam Klass)
Quick question: If I liked younger guys I’d be a cougar…I like older guys so am I a leopard? 😂 Have an awesome day!❤
Dang you were puking and pooping at the same time and Mike didn’t pretend like he didn’t know you? That’s marriage material 😂
“They said we wouldnt last, but look at us two whole years later!” is always a hilarious take to me.
My husband and I met when I was 32 and he was 22 through a mutual friend. When he asked me out I told him my age, and that I had an ex-husband and 3 kids. He didn’t care. He said he was tired of “young girls that play mind games” and wanted someone “who knew who they were and what they wanted”. That was 21 years ago. We’ve been married for the last 17 years of that and as far as he’s concerned, since we didn’t have children of our own (I couldn’t anymore, also told to him up front), my kids from a previous marriage are his kids 🙂
I just turned 50 and am getting WAY more attention now than ever! I honestly had NO clue this would happen! Everything those two women said is 100% true. My body may not be as firm as when I was in my 20s, but I’m MUCH more confident now, which makes me a thousand times more attractive. I say go for it!
“What have we found out about younger guys? That they like older women”
As a younger guy myself, I can 100% say that I’m not into older women.
*I mean, the fact that I’m into guys might be why, but still*
I think Catherine Ryan summarized cougar-ing best:
“Oh yeah, I totally want to date a younger guy. I’m not busy enough, so I want a guy I need to do everything for and teach everything to.” 🤣
At my last job I was newly divorced at 39 (after 18 years of marriage). My younger co-workers (22-27) were constantly messaging to “hang out/hook up”. Weirded me out after being out of the dating scene for almost 2 decades lol. Flattering but not my vibe lol.
First, Mike is a keeper and you should keep him forever. Second, I feel a lot less weird about my boyfriend being 5 years younger than me now. My late husband was 15 years older!
My mom dated a guy a couple years older then me. She originally set him up on a date with my sister but the date went terrible and he told her that he wasn’t really interested in women his own age. They snuck around behind my sister for over a year. Like I said she only had one date that my sister left in the middle of but she still would not have been happy with them.
In my opinion, cougars are over 45, wear leopard print leggings/tops/short dresses, and are aggressively hunting guys half their age. That’s what I picture a cougar being, half these women don’t seem to fall into that category 😂 love your videos Charlotte!! ❤️
So, my brother just turned 31. His gf is 16 yrs older then him. They’ve been together for 5 years now and are SOO ABSOLUTELY incredibly happy. He was 26 and she was 42 when they got together. They both share SO much in common. My brother always was an old soul and very mature for his age. We all ABSOLUTELY adore his gf. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened in his life and has helped him grow in SOOO many ways. I do get sad from time to time knowing I’ll never be an Aunt but still…I’m happy he’s happy.
Ultimately, I think the key is with age-gap relationships (the healthy ones) is that the younger counterpart is already an established adult, on top of the usual no grooming, no toxic/abusive behavior, etc. (all of which can be seen in relationships without age-gaps as well). Because to my mind, I still see people fresh out of high school and going into college as freshman as kids. They haven’t experienced adulthood. They’re just embarking on it. And while I’m honestly not that much older than them, it still feels icky because I definitely see the maturity difference that is only developed through experience and taking the time to learn about yourself.
When my ex and I divorced I got approached by a MUCH younger man (I was around 40, he was 18). It really got me thinking about what I thought was appropriate for me (no judgement for others). I didn’t take him up on it. But for me, I think it is more about where they are in life. I’m established in my career, I own my home, etc. I can’t imagine being attracted to someone 1/2 my age and have anything in common with them unless they were at a similar point in their life. However, if they were, I might consider it. I would say the same for someone my age who was still living with their parents who couldn’t hold down a job, or partying all the time, etc. I can’t see having any kind of relationship with them since I don’t see us having anything in common. So I think that matters more to me than age.
My father was engaged to this older woman that I had known all my life because she was my fathers older brothers wife and her kids were my cousins. I thank the stars it didn’t work out between them and I didn’t end up with brother cousins. Anyway, at 45 years old, she ended up marrying some 19 year old kid a few years later. They had twins and have been together over 20 years now. It’s especially noticeable now that she is in her mid 60s and he’s not even 40 yet.
When my parents separated my mom started dating again.
I had to help her to set the age range for a dating app (not tinder), because she constantly got pms from guys my age (mid 20s back then) and found it really strange and mildly disturbing.
Some of those guys had real mommy k*nks😳
Regarding children: My wife and I have several older friends who tried to conceive after 40. There were two that succeeded, the oldest 42. No one of either our acquaintance managed it after 42, though one of my wife’s childhood friend’s mother did get pregnant at 42. So that does seem to me to be a harder limit. You hear about women older than 42 getting pregnant, but I think that’s because it is so rare that it’s news.
Which is all to say you have time, Charlotte. Maybe not as much as you’re hoping, but more than enough so you don’t have to rush.
But don’t get overconfident, either. Everyone is different, and you’re not the woman in the video. Don’t count on being able to get pregnant in your 50s. Or even your later 40s…
I’m glad to see others having successful age gap relationships. My husband is 16 years younger than me, but he was far more mature than the 40 and 50 year olds I’d dated. I think experience is the key. I’d always been young for my age, and he’d been on his own since he was 16 so he acted much older. We’re now on 15 years together and we still love each other like crazy.
My husband is 11 years younger than me. We met when he was 26 and I was 37. I kept trying to set him up with more age appropriate women I knew because I thought he was a great guy, but too young for me. We just celebrated our 13 year anniversary.
As a 42 year old woman I’m not really attracted to younger men, but they seem to like me. 😅 I was hit on by a guy who’s a year younger than my daughter last week. I was flattered and said, “oh hun, thank you but I’ve already trained my fair share of men.”
8 years ago when I was 38,I dated a 22 year old. My son(who was 17 at the time) thought it was hilarious because they had so much in common. Dating younger men isn’t that bad, that keep you young. Unless they’re jealous of your kids haha! Age truly is just a number, as long as they’re legal 😄😄
My cousin, Mike, married a woman who was 50 when he was 30. Mike and Margaret were married for over 40 years when Margaret passed away in her 90s! I teased her that she was a cougar when a cougar was still just an animal. 😂 She always giggled at that. She died last May and Mike died in December. I sure miss y’all M & M!! ❤
My mother is 20 years older than me, and she brought home a guy who was 5 years older than I am. To be fair, he looked older than she is (she’s pushing mid-50s now). They dated for about 12 years before they broke up. Can’t say it was a stable relationship, but it existed that long. It was a bit weird in the initial stages when he moved in but eventually you just forget about the age difference.
Someone called me a cougar and I actually managed to answer, “No, honey. Cougars have to hunt…” I have been proud of that moment since! 🙂
Fun fact, my Aunt just got married to a man 30 years older than her (she’s in her thirties and he’s in his 60’s) and everyone was very unsure at first. His daughter didn’t even come to the wedding because she thought it was really weird that she was older than my aunt. But they are genuinely so happy together and it is so sweet. They bought a business together a few years ago (before they were married) and it was all her idea while he supported her. I think sometimes you just meet your person even if they are younger than you. My Aunt is his 3rd wife because his first wife died and he rushed into getting married the second time.
My dear older friend married a man 22 years younger than herself. It was weird when I heard she was dating a much younger guy. But, after a couple of times hanging out with them, the age gap totally disappeared. They’re so perfect for one another. He’s an awesome step dad and here we are, 10 years on… still acting like newlyweds.
As someone who had a older mum I just want to say it makes me really sad to see much older ladies getting pregnant. I am happy for them if that’s what they want, but I am sad for their children.
I used to get really sad because my mum wouldn’t run arround with me and jump on the trampoline like my firends mums would because she just couldn’t!
Also having to deal with you mum passing at such a young age can really mess you up! Its been years and I’ve been though grief counceling but having been a carer for her and seeing her fade and disappear like that still haunts me. Even after all those years it feels like it could have been yesterday
I really don’t want to discourage people for getting pregnant and fulfilling their dreams of family ect. But at a certain point you need to think of the kid too, not just your immediate happiness