TikTok Propaganda | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)


NYU Stern professor Scott Galloway and Atlantic staff writer Annie Lowrey join Bill to discuss what Congress will do to blunt TikTok’s dangerous social media dominance.



*”This season of C-SPAN is off the hook!”* – Scott Galloway, Real Time with Bill Marr, 2023. Even more than entertaining than James Traficant was in 2002 pending going (possibly) to prison?

Euro Guy 85

6 billion accounts on tik tok? the world just reached 8 for total population! Am I the only person with internet access and no account on tiktok on the western and northern hemispheres? damn


Indeed Tik Tok dominance is just baffling. I see my coworkers, latino laborers in their 50s and 60s just glued to their smartphones on coffee breaks endlessly transfixed at things like chicks twerking. I dunno when it started, maybe 4-5 years ago. Before that the same guys where just playing some free mobile games. That was weird enough now it’s just surreal.

Dabi Dibup

Goebbels said good propaganda is indiscernible from entertainment.

If they do it right, we wouldn’t notice


I would like to see better privacy protections come out of this. The reality is this is not just a Tik Tok issue. So much data is gleaned on all of us and is available.

kevin Mitchnik

once again America goes to war on the same IRAK argument: “they have to prove to us that they aren’t doing it” (how can you show that you are not doing something- when you are not doing it)

Wendy Sullivan

Great show tonight but I have to disagree with the guests. Elderly poverty has been eliminated? Anyone been to a grocery store, Walmart or fast food restaurant lately? The number of employees in their 70’s and 80’s will tell you elderly poverty has not been eliminated.


“but you can say it’s not incumbent upon us to prove that they are not doing, its incumbent upon them to prove that their not doing it.”
That’s befuddling. And worrying. That’s the direct opposite of what should be the most important principle. It’s basically “Guilty until proven innocent”. And I personally don’t really get how tik tok is that much worse than twitter, facebook or any other platform. It’s more popular.

Sarah Jordan

Whether it’s tiktok or any other app, all of our data is stolen and used. As long as you are using a smartphone and internet there is no such thing as privacy

Steve Smith

Congress needs to focus on broader legislation rather than just zeroing in on TikTok. Pass a Data Privacy Act or a Content Accountability Act if these are things that they care to focus on. Don’t just address TikTok; address all of the platforms – Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, SnapChat, etc. Otherwise, they are just going to play whack-a-mole.

Steve Jones

RealTime with Bill Maher has been killin’ it lately with the guests: McWhorter, Yang, and Galloway.

Lionel Gunn

“It’s not incumbent upon us to prove that they’re not doing; it’s incumbent upon them to prove they are not doing it”

“And they ARE doing it!”

Bill: you should look at your own religion videos sometime; the one’s where you say “well, you came up with the idea; you prove it”

Jonathon Terrell

It’s interesting how much Scoot Galloway keeps getting on this show. Then again this is the entertainment business


The problem isn’t just TikTok. I’d argue that American social media companies are just as dangerous, if not more so. We need regulations that apply to ALL social media companies. They should all have to publish their algorithms and tell us everything they are doing with our data.


I feel like the real problem that I have with this is that once we allow congress to ban one social media app, that opens the door for ALL social media to be banned.



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