At today’s House Energy Committee hearing, Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-AZ) questioned the CEO of TikTok.
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Winnie the Pooh
That sounds like whether ban tiktok is not about security issue, but more about political issue.😅 Mr. Chew is too nervous, he forgot how to defend.
YouTube shorts and instagram reels are LOVING this right now.
Many governments make claims so accusations = facts? Yeah, that does not work. Also, “how can our own FBI director be wrong”? Is this even a real question?😂😂
I never use tik tok and still won’t, so this is useless for me
While I hate tiktok, this was a pretty pathetic interview. The entire case seems to be built on hearsay and speculation. Also, pushing him to potentially ruin his entire life, and his entire families lives by outing the chinese government and taking a negative stance on their treatment of the uyghur people was actually just cruel and sadistic. Even if he took a negative stance on that, he’s not going to publicly admit it. That was such an ignorant thing to ask. If we are so worried about the uyghur people, maybe we should take some of the money we are throwing at single mothers having paychecks… I mean children out of wedlock, or to support “medically approved transitions” and use it to support the uyghur relocation to a place that doesn’t reject them. We are perfectly happy to throw billions of dollars at ukraine because of it’s strategic location outside of russia and the fossil fuels that can be harvested there. But not willing to help the uyghur people.
Politics disgusts me.
The point is he isn’t freely answering this question for multiple reasons one being that it doesn’t really have to do with his role as CEO of a social media platform BUT it is obvious he is very neutral and diverts on any question that involves him giving an opinion on the Chinese government which implies that he is afraid of what might come if he answered, which one can further infer that the Chinese government can easily get this guy to crack and give information.
I imagine that anyone who stands in front of a committee like this, such mark Zuckerberg, or tik toks ceo, sorta plan the rest of their day to just say the same things until they take recess lmao
They should just all go a line and each ask him if the App is actually banned in China. If they can prove it is, just ask why. Over and over again. The way MSM runs news clips. One soundbite repeated a billion times.
Honestly I would do the same thing if I was in his position, I don’t feel like getting assassinated
In his defense he literally cannot say yes or he’s dead. His money can only get him so far.
He should of said that Christopher ray couldnt find his ASS with both hands 😂😂😂😂😂😂
“We the US govt are outraged that you allow us suckers to be ok with tik toks algorithms infiltrate the feeble minds of our youth. We are a world dominated country with nuclear capabilities but can’t stop tik tok, can you explain that Mr Chew?🤣🤣🤣🤣
He told he’s kids don’t use TikTok, I wonder why. 😂😂
This question has nothing to do with anything. Also a Republican acting as if she cares at all about any Muslim is hilarious. She only cares that it’s the Chinese supposedly doing it. After all it’s uncle Sam’s job to persecute Muslims.
Ban all social media and get back to the good ol days when people actually cared to go out and see each other.
She started off with a very odd question that had nothing to do with the app, then talks about tiktok not being allowed on government phones…. why would you have tiktok or snapchat etc. on a government phone?
This goes to show that there’s no such thing as negative PR. I’m in my 50’s and I’m DEFINITELY going to install Tik Tok on my phone to see what the fuss is about! 🤣
In these times of financial insecurity, it seems only right to install TikTok to establish a consistent income from a reliable, diversified and easily compromised foreign company….
So they theoretically could influence a revolt by our youth against its banning ? Or worse ?