this is the most hilarious viral tiktok dance trend ever! the kids love dancing this because it is so silly! #miomaolalalalala dance trend is hilarious! From Francesco Misseri & Piero Barbetti this song is so fun to dance to. thanks @GeneracionMillennials for making such fun music!
Shae & Wyatt from @OhanaBoys love this, as well as Cora & Evee from @ToyLibrary and of course Rach Bennett from @TheOhanaAdventure
I Love this new single
😅Kinda funny tho. btw love ur whole family💙💙they all are different kind of humans 😁😁
This is so funny!!! Love y’all
I seriously cant wait for you guys to move over to the UK cause theres more chance I can meet you!!
Way to funny my heart was pounding so hard I was laughing 😂
love it.
OML this is so goofy made my year❤🎉😊
That video made my day
Who else thinks we need bloopers
We me miss rykel and klai. send them sme love and btw why is this clip sooo cute!! 😊😊
Shae is so cute and his face changed every second bro
So funny love your guy’s bond
Omg this is so funny😂I love it❤️❤️!!
This is so very funny🤣I love this so much💕💓!!Love your dance trending!
This is the best thing I’ve ever seen in my life 😭
Why is this so cute!!
Ur like a Sweet aunt ☺️
I burst out laughing i watched this like twice so funny can’t help it😂😂😂😂😂😂
Wyatt’s cute face 🥰🥰🥰
Sat on my bed laughing my head off 😂❤️