Today the @Regulars @Nicovald @sigils @BiffleWiffle watch the funniest TikToks and try to keep a straight face!
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❗About the Regulars❗
The Regulars are a group of four YouTuber friends named: Biffle, Nicovald, and Sigils. On this channel they will be doing a lot of: lifestyle, reactions, vlogs, and challenges!
#Regulars #React
You Laugh You Lose TikTok Duet Edition!
Love your content keep it up!
u guys r soooo funny😂😂
Honestly I don’t know how you guys don’t have over 10m
You guys are my fav youtuber gang your intros are so funny😂❤
We want British Boy Back!
Sigils is the goat, who agrees
you guys are fantastic
I remember the time when Biffle did not laugh. (Maybe the tiktok’s got funnier)
your videos bring us all the best time
Who wants the British boy back
this was great need more
These were some of the funniest of y’all’s TikTok videos, keep up the great content!
Bring back The Mustard Man ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
When Biffle said that Grocery Store Fun fact. Sigils didn’t have to call him out I would have guessed Zud all day
Sigils’ impression on the “IM NOT A MORON” made me break down fr bro
Sigils’ version: iM noT a mOrON
“My husband left me today, so I set up a tiktok recording so I could collapse on the floor on camera like I’m in a soap opera” like bro what’s with these people, they are the most deserving of a duet roast.
Why are everyone’s reactions to the vids always so much funnier than the vids? Nico making Biffle laugh at Undocumented had me dead, and Sigils laughing at everything after going out was a total mood 😅😂😂😂
Nicos just so funny but random
10:21 wait why can’t biffle laugh, is he half-mexican?
His laugh in the thumbnail will come in my dreams.
Actually, not all firestations have two stories therefore not all firestations have a fire pole.
Nico has no soul this is unfair