This TikTok Chef is Insane


What is the only thing worse than TikTok cooking? That’s right, British TikTok cooking. Today, we watch as TikToker jimmystewart59 makes some truly horrific food. Buckle up.

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sophia isabelle

TikTok chefs think they’ve got it all, however that isn’t always the case. They make an embarrassment of themselves from time to time, which is considerably unfortunate.

Snek with a top hat

I feel sad because the people that look so nice suck at cooking so I feel bad gagging at the food 😭

Also, to anyone reading this, have an awesome and magical day ✨

Sara Kulesza-Maruszak

Well, that was unexpected to say the least, who would have known that after Jack’s lazy man’s cooking series, we still found this lad
Where humanity goes to, oh where

Connor Hart

This guys channel started getting really popular cause of his cooking in hotel rooms during the pandemic, but I stopped seeing him, so I assumed he got out of the hotel room and stopped making absolutely revolting food lol. It was interesting at first cause he was cooking decent meals with the supplies he had available, I guess he couldn’t get enough of the clout and just kept doing it


Non-UK viewers: Buckfast is basically like if Four Loko was invented in a monastery in the 19th Century.

Mushy paper and a pen

Listening to August’s soul leave his body when he saw the omelet was the funniest thing I’ve heard in a while

Albert Walter

Seems like we have found a winner to surpass Cooking with Jack

To Jack: try harder there is still so much hope in getting back your spot

Marcel Gardner

This mans bagged omelette actually makes sense. Hes drunk, cooking for himself, and has a don’t give an antlers vibe.
Plus he seasoned it, which is more than what I can say for jack.


As a fellow Scot myself I genuinely don’t think he’s being serious after I saw him cooking with an iron- However that haggis steak pie thingy sounded not bad actually considering Haggis is absolutely fab I could see it working with stuff like that- also the translation for fur coat and no knickers basically means something having a very positive appearance something that seems to good to be true to the human eye basically and I think what he meant by that was covering the steak with gold 🤦‍♂️- oh well tho, still enjoyed this 🙆‍♂️

Nugget Chicken

i just got done calming down from a pretty bad breakdown and watching your videos is really helping me recover, thank you so much August, genuienly. Your videos do more than you know/pos (positive).

TechNein TX

I was really disappointed that my ‘haggis hash heave-ho’ didn’t turn out as well as his did. He forgot to include in his recipe instructions the addition of the sprinkles of dried motor oil, lawnmower chaff, and flowerbed morsels from his fingernails. I knew mine was missing something. I’m going back to Jack’s channel. At least his instructions are thorough. He takes all of the guess-work in me throwing up perfect renditions of Jackson Pollock’s masterpieces.


Omg that fact that his omelette somehow changed into haggis when he pulled it out of the bag is truly the sign of a true Scotsman.


“Oh, don’t wash it down with the Buckfast.” Wow. The absolute sound of defeat and impotent sadness in August’s voice. Perfection.

Greg Brown

This guy is truly amazing. This man (almost) cooked a steak on an iron, then covered it in gold leaf like he was at some overly-pretentious 5-star restaurant. What a day to be alive!



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