In this video, plaqueboymax does a try not to cringe to his tik tok for you page!
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Srolling 💀💀💀
that typo really hits the spot
Rigged, can’t achieve this on tiktok, real
One day max will be on rising streamer nominated
Srolling got me rolling💀
I was spawn camping this channel for the past minute😂
always a good day when you upload love the vids !!
the only streamer that genuinely makes me laugh
I’m not the only one thinking he cringed on the first video 💀
the only streamer i’ll actually considering donating too.
You make the best videos Max, every time I see one of these I always get an insane dopamine boost. Thank you for the insane content as usual my baby glorious king.
I’m not finna sit hear and watch this fine gentleman prepare a whopper for 1 minute 11 seconds…
Proceeds to watch the entire video and get pressed by chat to show how hungry he is😅
the editing, the content, the voiceacting – I can’t help but feel this video was made for me
max is like the most npc generic streamer always hit tho
when max got to the dog with cancer (RIP BRODIE) ik he was gonna laugh. him fake crying to cover the laugh made it fucked up but funny. if u dislike this u own a cat. fuck cats
laughing at dogs with cancer is crazyyy 😭😭😭
Lets Just Appreciate Everything He Does For Us 💜
Tiktok cringe is impossible to adapt to, but holy shit 2020 was a different story
I didn’t know people could willingly record themselves doing that shit man
no swearing no drugs no naked woman just 10000%real talent